Dance, when you feel wounded,
Dance, when you feel healed,
Dance, when in conflict,
Dance, even when you lose,
Dance, always, like you're perfectly free.

Rumi. The revered 13th-century Persian poet, Rumi, beautifully captures the essence of dance as a profound expression of human emotion and freedom, no matter the circumstances.
Launch app

Thank you for caring enough to come read our story!

We are here to uphold this unique human tendency, this short-lived existence where music, movement and connection become one.

Hopefully, through our efforts, both the number and the length of such experiences will increase, more people will look into each other's smiling eyes and lose the worries of the world for those moments.

DanceAway is a platform meant to use the best of modern technology to uphold dancing in any and every possible way.

To highlight and contrast the many existing and emerging dance styles.

To let dance enthusiasts find each other and dancing possibilities.

To bring focus to the many elements and benefits of solo and partner dance styles.

It is an attempt at using technology the right way, which is to enable humans to be more humane.

It is also a trial ground for creating a fair and holistic organization, because a company that wants to bring happiness to the world needs to do that for its own people first.

Lastly, it is also an attempt at realizing a dream of the few involved, to invest labor of love so we can have a career that is more soulful than goal oriented.

Dance has given us so much and can yet give us so much more if we let it into our lives.

As novices

It forces us to risk looking foolish, teaches us to take ourselves less seriously and to sacrifice hubris in favor of learning and growth.

As dance enthusiasts

It gives us an interesting area of study while allowing our bodies exercise through natural movement and our brains to develop new neural pathways.

As accomplished dancers

It allows us to have the love of admirers and a sense of achievement that does not depend on anything but the person themselves.

We at DanceAway believe dancing deserves more attention, study and recognition from society than it gets.

We believe that the long-term mental and physical health benefits of dance are underappreciated.

We believe that there are interesting stories to be shared from among the many dance journeys undertaken by people.

So, dear dance lover, help us help you!

Beyond the basics of music, movement and fun, we are conscious of the history and evolution of various partner and solo dance styles from across the world. Each of these are beautiful in their own way!

The DanceAway Workbook V 1.0

Hey, dance lovers! Our first product! Geared towards helping you, the dance enthusiast, manage your dance experience better! Follow us on Instagram and send us a message “workbook” or joint our WhatsApp update channel to get a copy today! 💚💜

The Mobile App (in development)

You can find partner dances like the evergeen Salsa or the new Bachata Sensual as well as empowering solo dances like Contemporary or Afro-house, among others, on our platform. We plan on supporting ALL of them! Our platform is built in such a way that supporting a new dance style would be a matter of days if not less. So, reach out to us if you are enthusiastic about a dance style you like but do not find it on our platform.

Besides the dance styles, we recognize a few aspects of dancing that are common across most if not all dance styles. These include things like musicality, technique and partnerwork. You can find ways to give each other feedback around these aspects on the platform and get help in improving these aspects of your dancing.

Mobile app feature

Our story

We are divided into four disciplines that have significant overlap with each other - “Talent, Journalism, Design and Tech"


We have our guiding lights from the dance world who also have a solid footing in the health and wellness industries.


We have literary, voice acting and lingual experts to surface stories from the Dance world.


We have our bright and upcoming design team with additional capacity from industry experts as and when we need them.


We have techies who are required to master any and every technology needed to create such a platform.

We are spread across the world, and we draw strength from our varying cultural backgrounds.

We invest in each other's growth. All of us are hardworking and we believe in being useful.

Here are some quotes from our people:

Talent: “Dance to connect yourself with music, dance to forget your daily struggles and insecurities, dance to feel whole again but above all, dance to simply be.”

Design: “Just as dance flows through real space, design flows through the space of ideas, and they both make the world richer for having existed.”

Tech: “Leave us alone we have work to do!”

Ignite your creative spark with our dance app's dynamic features, allowing you to seamlessly create an account, express admiration by sending love, and explore a rich tapestry of talents through our intuitive search function.

Basic dancer account functionality
- Signing up for the app.
- Profile creation, listing dance styles, deleting profile.
Finding each other
- Searching for other dancers based on location and dance styles.
- Connecting, disconnecting.
Send love
- Sending each other compliments on dance styles and various aspects of dancing.
Posts and feed system
- Creating posts with nice formatting functionality.
- Tagging people on posts.
- Platform posts on the dance world.
Dance & Health facts
- Showing appreciation on posts.
Support for Events
- Creation, invitation and broadcast.
Festivals? Analyze dancing using A.I.? You tell us!
- TBD.

We would love to hear from you! Please feel free to send any questions and/or suggestions using the form below.

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